Teeth, Casos clínicos e Artigos - Odontologia

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6 resultados encontrados

Occlusal Adjustment In The Treatment Of Secondary Traumatic Injury

Por Dra. Barbara Arantes

Para vizualizar o artigo na íntegra, acesse o link: http://www.ulbra.br/odontologia/stomatos/v17n33jul-dez2011/artigo-5.pdf ABSTRACTThe success of the rehabilitation treatment is associated with the relationship between occlusion and periodontal status. When occlusal loads exceed the ability of ...

Artigo, 11 anos

Occlusal Adjustment In The Treatment Of Primary Traumatic Injury

Por Dra. Barbara Arantes

Para vizualizar o artigo na íntegra, acesse o link: http://www.ulbra.br/odontologia/stomatos/v17n33jul-dez2011/artigo-8.pdf ABSTRACT A major concern in dentistry is the correct distribution of occlusal forces to promote balance among the elements of the stomatognathic system. Occlusal trauma may ...

Artigo, 11 anos

Discovering The Bite.

Por Dra. Vanessa Moreira

Lately bite have almost become fashion items, especially in sports, where they are used almost as accessories like cuffs and bands with designs and colors of the most extravagant, who spend more time outside than inside the mouth.Analyzing the word Bite, which in English means bite, we make the ...

Artigo, 11 anos

Immunohistochemical Study Of Presence Of T Cells, B Cells, And Macrophages In Periradicular Lesions Of Primary Teej Clin Pediatr Dent. 2th.

Por Daniele Lima

J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2008 Summer;32(4):287-93. Immunohistochemical study of presence of T cells, B cells, and macrophages in periradicular lesions of primary teeth. Bolan M, Lima DA, Figueiredo CP, Di Giunta G, Rocha MJ. Source Department of Stomatology, Federal University of Santa Catarina, ...

Artigo, 12 anos

Prevalência da Perda Precoce de Dentes Decíduos em Escolares Assistidos pelo Instituto Ana Rosa em São Paulo, Capital / Prevalence Of Early

Por Trygvy Subtil

Kutkiewicz, Trygvy Subtil. Tese:Apresentada a Centro de Pesquisas Odontológicas São Leopoldo Mandic para obtenção do grau de Mestre. Resumo:Com base na importância da manutenção da integridade da dentadura decídua e na busca por uma melhor compreensão dos agentes etiológicos e dos fatores ...


Artigo, 13 anos

Listerine Cool Blue Agente

Por Dra. Sheila Rodrigues

LISTERINE AGENT COOL BLUE is a pre-brush tinting rinse. Used before brushing, it tints teeth blue so kids pay attention when cleaning their teeth; giving kids a sense of accomplishment that they are doing a good job and reinforcing the positive behavior. Tints teeth blue so children pay more ...

Artigo, 13 anos