Teeth, Casos clínicos e Artigos - Odontologia

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2 resultados encontrados

Occlusal Adjustment In The Treatment Of Secondary Traumatic Injury

Por Dra. Barbara Arantes

Para vizualizar o artigo na íntegra, acesse o link: http://www.ulbra.br/odontologia/stomatos/v17n33jul-dez2011/artigo-5.pdf ABSTRACTThe success of the rehabilitation treatment is associated with the relationship between occlusion and periodontal status. When occlusal loads exceed the ability of ...

Artigo, 11 anos

Occlusal Adjustment In The Treatment Of Primary Traumatic Injury

Por Dra. Barbara Arantes

Para vizualizar o artigo na íntegra, acesse o link: http://www.ulbra.br/odontologia/stomatos/v17n33jul-dez2011/artigo-8.pdf ABSTRACT A major concern in dentistry is the correct distribution of occlusal forces to promote balance among the elements of the stomatognathic system. Occlusal trauma may ...

Artigo, 11 anos