And, Casos clínicos e Artigos - Odontologia

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36 resultados encontrados

In Vitro Osteogenesis On a Highly Bioactive Glass-Ceramic (Biosilicate).

Por Dr. João Moura

Moura J, Teixeira LN, Ravagnani C, Peitl O, Zanotto ED, Beloti MM, Panzeri H, Rosa AL, de Oliveira PT. One of the strategies to improve the mechanical performance of bioactive glasses for load-bearing implant devices has been the development of glass-ceramic materials. The present study aimed to ...

Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Faciais

Artigo, 13 anos

Hiperplasia Gengival em Pacientes Transplantados Renais: Observação Clínica e Histopatológica.

Por Dr. Arnaldo Takahashi

 Autores Warley D. Kerbauy Arnaldo M. Takahashi 1. INTRODUÇÃO A Ciclosporina, droga originalmente produzida por um fungo (Tolypocladium inflatum), é potente imunossupressora usada em pacientes que receberam transplantes de órgãos ou de medula óssea pois afeta seletivamente a resposta imune ...

Artigo, 13 anos

Listerine Cool Blue Agente

Por Dra. Sheila Rodrigues

LISTERINE AGENT COOL BLUE is a pre-brush tinting rinse. Used before brushing, it tints teeth blue so kids pay attention when cleaning their teeth; giving kids a sense of accomplishment that they are doing a good job and reinforcing the positive behavior. Tints teeth blue so children pay more ...

Artigo, 13 anos

Estudo In Vivo da Biocompatibilidade de Pastas à Base de Iodofórmio em Subcutâneo de Ratos

Por Dr. Thiago Albacete

The endodontic treatment of the teeth with necrotic pulp tries to eliminate the infecting microorganisms of the root canal system and neutralize their toxic products. The delay medication use has been showing to improve the prognostic of the cases associated to periapex lesions. The iodoform has ...


Artigo, 13 anos

Detection Of Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans In Peri-Implant Sites

Por Marcello Regueira

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is related to aggressive periodontitis, and its correlation with peri-implantitis has been investigated by clinical and microbiological studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of A. actinomycetemcomitans in peri-implant sites (%), and also to ...


Artigo, 13 anos

Clinical And Microbiological Effects Of An Essential Oils-Containing Mouth Rinse Applied In The “One-Stage Full-Mouth Disinfection”...

Por Marcello Regueira

The aim of this randomized double-blinded pilot study was to evaluate the clinical and microbiological long-term effects of an essential oils-containing mouthrinse as the active agent utilized on the “one stage full-mouth disinfection protocol”. Pocket depth, plaque and gingival indices were ...


Artigo, 13 anos
