Healing, Casos clínicos e Artigos - Odontologia

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4 resultados encontrados

Effect Of Propolis On Mast Cells In Wound Healing.

Por Nadia Lages

Effect of propolis on mast cells in wound healing. Barroso PR, Lopes-Rocha R, Pereira EM, Marinho SA, de Miranda JL, Lima NL, Verli FD. Inflammopharmacology. 2012 Oct;20(5):289-94. doi: 10.1007/s10787-011-0105-5. Epub 2011 Dec 17. PMID:22179947[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations

Artigo, 10 anos

Effect Of Propolis On Mast Cells In Wound Healing.

Por Nadia Lages

Effect of propolis on mast cells in wound healing. Barroso PR, Lopes-Rocha R, Pereira EM, Marinho SA, de Miranda JL, Lima NL, Verli FD. Inflammopharmacology. 2012 Oct;20(5):289-94. doi: 10.1007/s10787-011-0105-5. Epub 2011 Dec 17. PMID:22179947[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Related citations

Artigo, 10 anos

Techniques To Study Cellular Response In Critical Size Bone Defect Healing On Rat Calvaria Treated With Hydroxyapatite Implants

Por Gustavo Fernandes

de Freitas Costa, Neusa Motta ; Raposo Melo, Bruno ; Tavares Brito, Rosana ; de Oliveira Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis ; Bernardo, Vagner Gonçalves ; Carvalho da Fonseca, Eliene ; Conz, Márcio Baltazar ; de Almeida Soares, Glória D. ; Granjeiro, José Mauro. Techniques to Study Cellular Response ...

Artigo, 11 anos

Therapeutic Laser In Surgical Procedures Of Pediatric Dentistry: Case Reports

Por Dra. Maria Machado

ABSTRACT Pediatric dentists are always looking for new techniques, materials, and technologies which may help children to experience better and faster treatments. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been increasingly used in medicine and dentistry over the last few years as a nonsurgical tool for ...


Artigo, 12 anos