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6 resultados encontrados

Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Of The Colon: Early Manifestation In Gingival Tissue.

Por Luiz Alexandre

Abstract A case of gingival metastasis of adenocarcinoma of the colon is reported, the lesion being an early clinical indication of a primary malignant tumor. The diagnosis of metastatic lesion in the oral region is always challenging, both to clinician and to the pathologist, due to its rarity and ...


Artigo, 9 anos

Pigmented Lichenoid Drug Eruption Secondary To Chloroquine Therapy: An Unusual Presentation In Lower Lip.

Por Luiz Alexandre

Abstract Antimalarial drugs, like chloroquine, may produce hyperpigmentation of the oral mucosa, affecting most commonly the palate. Its pathogenesis is not clear; an increased production of melanin is currently believed to be the cause of this oral manifestation. The purpose of this study was to ...


Artigo, 9 anos

Liquid Nitrogen Cryosurgery For Treatment Of Mucoceles In Children

Por Luiz Alexandre

Abstract Background. Cryosurgery has been increasingly used inpart because of increasing knowledge of cryobiology, but mainly because in practice pediatric dentistry, the ready availability of liquid nitrogen has become the procedure inexpensive, quick and easy technical performance. The benefit ...


Artigo, 9 anos

Evaluation Of Tissue Reaction To The Solution Of Chlorhexidin 0, 2% In Surgical Wounds - Histologic Study In Rats –

Por Dra. Cecilia Brito

Publicado em British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, v. 46, p. e25-e26, 2008. Cecilia da Rocha Brito André Webber Rosa Marcos Antonio Torriani Lenita Maria Aver de Araújo Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the repair process for first intention of surgical wounds ...

Artigo, 11 anos

Mudança de Paradigma na Regeneração Óssea Guiada

Por Dr. Munir Salomão

Artigo Publicado na Revista APCD - Jardim Paulista - 8-38 Mudança de paradigma na Regeneração Óssea Guiada Munir Salomão* José Tadeu Tesseroli de Siqueira* Carlos Louvaes Junior** Um dos grandes desafios que nos deparamos no dia-a-dia da clínica, é a presença do rebordo alveolar ...


Artigo, 12 anos

Duvidas Sobre Tratamento Ortodôntico

Por Rosana Souza

Porque buscar um tratamento ortodôntico? Para obter uma melhora na função, saúde e aparência. •Função: O correto alinhamento dentário contribui para uma melhor mastigação considerando o contato adequado entre os dentes superiores e inferiores.•Saúde: Quando os dentes encontram-se ...

Artigo, 13 anos