Use Of Photodynamic Therapy as An Adjuvant To Periodontal Treatment In Patients With Down Syndrome – Case Report

  Artigo, 20 de Mar de 2014

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease induced by bacteria in plaque biofilm on the surface subgingival. The inflammation leads to pocket formation in the gingival tissue, attachment loss, bone destruction and ultimately possible tooth loss. The prevalence of periodontal disease in adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) is 30% to 40%, and individuals in the next 30-40 years the percentage is about 100%. Authors suggest that periodontal disease in DS is consistent with the pattern of aggressive periodontitis, and is correlated with changes in the immune system of the same. In view of these changes, many researchers seek methods to supporting basic periodontal therapy such as combination with antibiotics, but their indiscriminate use can lead to resistant bacteria strains. Photodynamic therapy, a combination of photosensitizing agent or dye to a light source, and has been extensively studied with promising results. The present report deals with photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease in an individual with Down syndrome.

Descriptors: Down syndrome; Periodontitis; Photochemotherapy 


J Health Sci Inst. 2011;29(2):96-9

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Dr. Flávio Lima

Cirurgião- Dentista

 São Paulo, SP

Graduado pela Universidade Paulista;
Mestrando em Diagnóstico Bucal;
Pós graduado em Cirurgia Oral pela Fundecto - USP;
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